Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 2

The perfect way to start the day...

Starbucks for breakfast this morning. I had a Skinny Caramel Macchiato, which was sooo yummy - and only 100 calories! I only got in a couple of sips while it was still hot though, unfortunately. My new account clerk started working today - yay, I've only been trying to get someone hired since like MAY - so I had to make sure she was settled in for the morning. I didn't get to finish my coffee until 9:30 and then I ate a Deluxe Fruit Blend cup. I realized I had gotten no fruit in my diet yesterday, so I was trying to make up for that. Unfortunately, there were some big hunks of cantaloupe and honeydew - I'm not a big melon person - but I choked 'em down anyway. 

Good as new!
I microwaved my leftover ziti from Fazoli's and scarfed that down for lunch, feeling significantly hungrier than I had the day before at this time. Well, that's what happens when your breakfast contains a quarter of the calories than you ate the day before. I was stuck at work for lunch anyway since my car was in the shop to get a new front bumper - that's been on my to-do list for a while. I hit a snowbank in December 2007 not two weeks after I purchased the car and put a pretty sizeable dent in the front end.  It was just cosmetic damage, so I dragged my feet on paying for the repairs.

Speaking of paying, I realized that yesterday I had posted that my total cash spent for the day on food was $15. This didn't seem bad - about $5 a meal, plus part of a meal that I planned to eat the next day. However, this didn't include the money that was spent for Francisco's food, which would bring the total up to $30. What if we ate like that all month? $30 a day x 30 days = $900 on food...that's a little more than I'd be comfortable spending...

At the moment, I am completely dragging. At this point in the afternoon, I would be considering walking to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of Diet Coke that I always try to remember to keep on hand. Well, that's not an option. I ate half of a pumpkin scone from Starbucks for my mid-afternoon snack, but I am soo looking forward to getting out of work and getting some food.  

Today, I decided to make a list and I'll give Francisco three options as to where he would like to eat: La Scala (Italian), La Bamba (Mexican), or Copper Dog (mostly vegetarian). Maybe it will be easier if we kind of narrow our options like this and pass responsibility.  Of course he'll inevitably pick pizza everyday. ;-)

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