Thursday, March 14, 2013

Not On a Diet

I don't like diets. Both because they're not fun and because I don't much support the concept of them. I'm much more an advocate of a healthy lifestyle, and I support adapting your diet so that you maintain a reasonable, flexible diet that is not overly restrictive while still being rewarding. These healthy days have definitely felt more like I'm dieting, and I know that that's not sustainable in the long-term. 

Counting calories is something I just do occasionally on a normal basis. I think it's good to check in with my diet once in a while and make sure I am comfortable with what and how much I am putting in my body. I also aim to weigh in on a weekly basis - again, just so I'm staying in touch with my body. I know what is normal weight fluctuation for me, and if I start to accumulate extra poundage beyond that, I may need to pay more careful attention to my calorie intake.

That said, I love food. Going out to eat and trying out new recipes are some of my favorite things to do.  Of course, moderation, as in all areas of life, is key. I think after my healthy three weeks is over, I'm still going to have issues with over-indulging on weekends. But I'm not going to stress too much about it. 

I think it works for me to focus my healthy habits during the week. So, the plan is to try and do better at that. Because it was still not uncommon for me to order the Papa John's large carry-out Monday special...and then have leftovers on Tuesday...or grab a handful of cookies from the kitchen at work if someone leaves oh-so-tempting Girl Scouts boxes with notes saying 'Help Yourself!'...

So, I don't want to be "on a diet", I want to have a diet...that works for me and my lifestyle. I want to be healthy, but I want to have the flexibility to indulge...but not over-indulge (at least not TOO frequently). 

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